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Messages - jjohn

Hi, I found this small parts of sheet metal.
Does anybody know where in the front wheel brake assembly it should be mounted?
Great! Thank you very much for the information :) .
Thank you for sharing these photos. :)
Washer thickness outside the clamps, may be approximately 2 mm? (0.08)
The "inboard side of the front hanger" what thicknees do you think?
Thank you :)
I need some help with what kind of distance between the bolts and the clamp?
Is there any washer outside the clamp also? I cannot fins any pictures how the assembly should be.
Thanks, (Is there any repair manual to this model, 1929, 2 door sedan, exploded view of assembly?)
Thanks for good  information.
What do you think of the cooling hole that is not open in the cylinder head?
1. The small hole in one cylinder, what is that?
2. The cooling hole in the middle of the cylinder hole is not open but int he gasket?
3. The small washer  (several) outside the cylinderr head, what is that?

Silver Dome

The radiator looks not the same at the top left and right

The radiator on the car (1929) has the part number: PA 8-14-28,
is this correct for this model?
Hi the plan is to make to a original car.

The car was found in a barn where it has stood for over 25 years. Before then, it has been run in Sweden little unclear when.

We just bought a 1929 Plymouth with engine number U4026 in Sweden.
Can not find the chassis number of the vehicle body probably gone.

Glad to find this forum!